

teens & adults

Discover Swimming

Discover Swimming is an adult lesson program for ages 15+. We currently offer 3 levels of classes to explore students’ abilities and skills in different ways. Each class provides specific tasks and expectations for the students, always prioritizing their learning process, their confidence in the water and their passion for swimming.




The program is divided into 8-week sessions



Classes are 45 minutes

New Haven


Pricing is for one session



Each class has a maximum of 8 students

Registration is made available for the next two sessions

level 1

Floating and Immersion

Discover Swimming-Floating and Immersion is the first level of the Bulldog Swim Academy Adult Lesson Program. This level is designed for adults with little or no experience in the pool. The key outcomes of this level are to teach the student how to:

Comfortably fully submerge their head in the water

Float on their stomach and back

Tread water with assistance

Learn the foundations of swimming on their stomach with assistance

adult swimming lessons

level 2

Momentum and Movement

Discover Swimming-Momentum and Movement is the second level of the Bulldog Swim Academy Adult Lesson Program. This level is designed for adults who can comfortably submerge their head in the water; and float on their back and stomach. The key outcomes of this level are to teach the student how to:

Tread water independently

Develop a strong flutter kick on the stomach and back

Develop the foundations of swimming independently

Learn the foundations of freestyle swimming with side breathing

adult swimming lessons

level 3

Skills and Strokes

Discover Swimming-Skills and Strokes is the third level of the Bulldog Swim Academy Adult Lesson Program. This level is designed for adults who can tread water; float on their back and stomach; and have the basics of swimming independently. The key outcomes of this level are to teach the student how to:

Develop a strong freestyle stroke with side breathing

Develop a strong backstroke

Learn the foundations of dolphin kick

Learn the foundations of elementary backstroke

adult swimming lessons

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